"خلسة" بالانجليزي adj. on the sly adv. stealthily, by stealth, surreptitiously n. larceny
"دخل" بالانجليزي n. income, revenue, proceeds, taking, take, yield v. come in, extract, enter, get in, step inside, go in, move in, turn in, sink, march, run, roll
"الدخل" بالانجليزي n. income, amount of money received in payment for goods or services or from other sources; revenue, profits; gate
"تدخل" بالانجليزي n. intervention, interference, intrusion, involvement, obtrusion, mediation v. have hand in smth., interfere, intermediate, interpose, intervene, butt in, horn in, push in, cut in, tamper, thrust, butt, chip have a finger in the pie